Providing Warranty Processing services for  automotive dealers across Canada


Fixed Operations can provide solutions in every department of your dealership

Private Sale Events - All inclusive, but designed to your needs rather than the cookie cutter, one size fits all solutions traditionally available on the market. We will work with you to design a unique sale at a more reasonable price than you would have thought!

Parts Inventory Support - Whether you need a third party to perform a complete parts inventory, of just a supervisor to ensure accuracy, Fixed Operations can meet your needs
Warranty Processing - Let us take care of your warranty processing needs, we remotely process all warranty claims using current Nissan policies and procedures, and ensure timely payment of all submitted claims. We also alliviate the issues of performing warranty processing in house, such as, sick days, vacation time, maternity leave and the issue of staff leaving to another dealership, not to mention the acuracy and performance that may be an issue if a junior person is the warranty clerk, or if the senior person gets behind.

Consulting Services - Customized packaged designed to find the biggest opportunities in your dealership so we can concentrate on the biggest gains available in your store. Service packages, Parts packages, Sales analysis, Expense analysis and full dealership breakdowns are available.